here's some images from today's Bay to Birdwood classic
1750 classic vehicles in a cruise from West Beach to Birdwood - with thousands of spectators lining the roads along the way

good to catch up breifly with roger & leslie B4 the start, spotted the violet p/van roof a mile away

plenty of FB/EK and other early holdens from far and wide

plenty of fins n chrome too

all kinds of cars & bikes

definately worth the trip over to Adelaide to take part in this motoring spectacle

the traffic was pretty kaotic at times, but it was good to get up to Tea Tree Gully - where they close the other lane off and we get both lanes
then you get to pass all the slow pommy crap etc

hillman, hillman, mini, gogo mobile

after completing the run we picked up our plaque and shot thru to the Palmer hot rod street party

where we caught up with the rest of the S.A. fb/ek boys & girls

see - what's happening in S.A.
top day!
regards stingray