I thought I would make a sticky of the threads of our historic postings.
FB-EK Race Cars
Out of the Past Pt1 - Late 60's Custom
Out of the Past pt2 - Jaguar Powered EK Custom
Out of the Past pt3 - Laced FB
Out of the Past pt4 - P76 V8 FB
Out of the Past pt5 - Norman Supercharged Radical FJ Custom
Out of the Past pt6 - Laced Mild Custom Two Door
Out of the Past pt7 - Shortened FB Coupe
Out of the Past pt8 - 50Ford Radical Custom
Out of the Past pt9 - Twin Grey Motored Dragster
Out of the Past pt10 - 200BHP Repco Headed Grey Motor
Out of the Past pt11 - FB 2Door Convertable
Out of the Past pt12 - FB mild custom 'yellow bird'
Out of the Past pt13 - FB EK Customs of the 60's
Out of the Past pt14 - Naracoorte's Hottest EK
Out of the Past pt15 - Mid 70's Tudor Custom EK
I'll add more as they appear