Spotted in Kingston (Sth East of S.A)

Have you spotted any FB's or EK's we haven't seen before. Post your pics here.

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In the Shed
Posts: 1998
Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 10:18 pm
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Spotted in Kingston (Sth East of S.A)

Post by In the Shed »

G'Day folks,
On a recent camping trip with the crew to Beachport spotted this FB out the back of a work shop. Thought I best ask the owner if I could take at closer look and ask if parts were available for sale. When I entered the work shop I noticed the second one on the hoist. The one out the back was a donor car for the customer's car. Oh well you gotta ask I guess!

Rotation of Image004.jpg
Rotation of Image004.jpg (71.46 KiB) Viewed 558 times
Rotation of Image006.jpg
Rotation of Image006.jpg (150.19 KiB) Viewed 558 times
A day in the shed beats a day at work!
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