... =4&t=14417
I've seen fibreglass FB/EK guards discussed, and I know some guys have got them. A heap of hunting though and I can't find too much info on them (EJ/EH and Monaro guards though are fairly common). Same story on bonnets - have seen one advertised on Gumtree a year or so back, but couldn't get the seller to talk to me about buying it

Link to some stuff on fibreglass tonneaus for utes (... caveat emptor): ... pic=5056.0
Some questions please:
a) anyone have any fibreglass panels they want to sell (longshot....)?
b) anyone have the moulds to make them? I guess the moulds must be a mongrel to make, so probably havn't been thrown out from the bonnet and guards made above.
c) anyone know any history (anecdotes, legends and "Canadian motor" stories welcome

d) anyone got the skill and interest to make them if order numbers were large enough? I guess we could get one of the shops above to do it, but quality and timing are likely to be better if an enthusiast is running the show.
Looking for some leads to start the search (my fibreglassing can't be any worse than my welding
