I have been told you need a trans shop to put a bell housing on properly, is this rite or can I get (borrow) the tool to do it myself?
You see I have a 360 degree one on my sedan (red motor) and I have the other type on the tranny I want to put behind a grey, so I need to do a swap. I have the engine out of the sedan at the moment but don't want to remove the tranny if I can help it, any help would be great, Trev .
Woofto Car Club Member No3
I'm with Rosco, sorry Trev. I've got little to no idea other than I do know you need to seat the convertor properly when installing the auto or it won't spin at all....
Speed and Style........... One day I'll get the speed bit.
Its over 25 years since I did an Auto swap to a grey, but as you have been told.
Alignment of the converter and free spinning before bolting them together.