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Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:07 am
by wikedsparkz
Hi all
First post so I'm trying hard to get this right.
So greatful to be on here
A little post on my plans. What started as I'll just change the colour has turned into I want to fully restore her right. Always wanted to work on these beautiful cars 25 years ago but my health deteriated and I could not as I got diagnosed with fibromaelgia.
Body must be on the go all the time so working on her the last 9 months has been good for body and brain. . My plans for this girl who I have called Akasha after one of my dogs/kids passed away is to create a work of art and fb no one has seen before and showcase some of my art work, and work I can do as I would love to restore all these beauties. She will for the most part be original, no modifications but every bit of rust cut out and done right. I have put myself in for a restoration course in April to learn a bit of everything also. She will be my female version of all the things I love from Holdens. Akasha will be my dress up fb, something to have fun with as my wagon will be original. I have an obsession with silver so I do plan for lots of chrome lol this ek I'm turning FB because I can't driveanual and never learnt lol
Alaska will be a version of me and what I love if that makes sense
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:16 am
by FireKraka
Excellent Vicky great to see your first post on your own thread.
Once you get your Ipad working right (which I'm not sure why it doesn't) I find it easy to post photos straight from it, if you look down just below where the submit and preview buttons are you will see a tab that says attachments if you click on that it lets you chose photos directly from your device anyway see how you go.
I look forward to seeing where you go with your build.
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:31 am
by Harv
Welcome Vicki - look forward to seeing some photos as you get used to the forum (especially the wagon... wagons is cool
It's a pretty neat forum, with a lot of people willing to lend a hand.
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:35 am
by rosco
Great Vicky - you are now up and running under your own steam... looking forward to your posts as you progress through what undoubtedly will be a great build.
Everyone on here will help - just post up what you want to know or that you need stuff and I fully expect you'll get swamped with replies from the "died in the wool" FB and EK restorers here.
Love the name of your thread... a little bit of "crypt" in it... well thought out.
As "Firecraka" posts - down the bottom is a little box called "attachments".. click on that then "add files"... and then you can select pix from your files.. you then have to click on "place in line" and they go straight into your reply...
That's how it works for me with Windows.... I don't know how it works with Mac or Apple (iPhone/iPad)... others here will walk you through that if it is different...
Great effort - I am now locked into this thread.... any replies to it will come to me... and I'll post up what I believe might make it easier for you if I see there is chance of any confusion...
Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:08 pm
by 59wagon
Goodonya’ Vicky, looking forward to the Wicked Arty FB restoration. Great that you’re doing a course in April, you’ll be able to teach me a few things that you learn.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:38 pm
by Errol62
Welcome Vicky,
Looking forward to following progress.
Now you've got a user account should be easy enough to download the tapatalk app and access the forum that way. Some prefer using internet browser by tf it is really a case of what you are used to and tapatalk works very well with the iPad I find.
Sent from my SM-A705YN using Tapatalk
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:57 pm
welcome Vicky
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:05 pm
by rosco
post deleted.
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:42 pm
by wikedsparkz
Thank you all
I'm not sure how to reply back individually yet as soon as I know I will do for sure.
I can't get Tapatalk on iPad as I need IOS updated and that needs to be done with house internet and I've never had it on the farm. Will try at a neighbour
Place next time I move from farm.
Will try get a picture of my girl so far. Whatever I learn at school I like crazy for anyone to learn. Rosco thank you for helping mW get in. I trued a year or so back but you won't meet anyone more useless with a computer and books,
I already see the knowledge on here already and that was what I was searching for on Facebook. If I can learn as much as I can from anyone out there I'll be rapt. This has been a dream for a long time, so another i want to make real and not just a dream. You won't find anyone who will work harder to get thus done. No engine out on this girl because I'd like to have her in the road as soon as I can, I give myself another 2 years he he so I can play with wagon I'm paying off that needs more work than this girl and prey one day I can fix my fist baby blue one I got smashed into. My fist love she was and I won't let anyone tell me she is finished, I will die trying he he
I'll get some photos when its not so boiling hot, summer kills me for getting anything done outside
I made a task to do one thing a day but these days of heat smash me for doing anything at all. If only I could bring my Akasha inside lol
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:46 pm
by rosco
You are more than welcome, little lady.... your enthusiasm should incite all reading your updates....
There are hundreds of FB's and EK's out there... I'm guessing, not many of them are getting the attention you are bestowing on yours...
Pix when you are ready...
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:45 pm
by In the Shed
G'day Vicky,
Sounds like you have a pretty clear plan for your wheels which is good. Look forward to seeing some pics and hearing how your resto course goes.
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:08 pm
by wikedsparkz
- 15803597442071661282261.jpg (165.98 KiB) Viewed 560 times
Not the best picture from this phone but just to show Akasha the first girl I'm working on.I started slowly maybe 9 months ago. Its not in order as I am doing what I can afford at the time on a pension so I'm all over the shop with this one lol
Because I also want to make sure I am doing something everyday so things get done. I've cleaned lots of parts, boot and floor are stripped but waiting for $ to move onto the next step.
Practiced on my smashed car front guard to see what I was up for and I loved it. Rosco inspired me to sand my boot by hand and do it as well as he has done his and then more ideas have come. The art and colour I want to save till the end to surprise everyone
Truly an fb no one has seen
I'll get some photos later if the boot, stuck the last few days due to heat
so nothing dine the last 2 days and I hate it lol
Wish I had my wagon to move onto that to keep me going lol
I hate not working on her lol u have become obsessed for sure
Can't wait to get stuck into welding and will get some practice of a friend before school starts.
Will show my first cuts of metal soon as I am a chicken still, but not long lol
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:10 pm
by FireKraka
Great to see you post a pic Vicky plenty more to come I'm sure.
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:29 pm
by EK283
Looks like a great start Vicky !
I'm with you and hate not working on the car but life, work, family tend to zap most of the time needed.
This is a great forum and you should enjoy it just as much as the members will enjoy watching your progress.
Re: Vicky's wicked B
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:20 pm
Welcome aboard Vicky - as a relative Newb I can attest the guys on here are absolute champs and a better knowledge source you will not find - like you I started with a plan - it changed a little along the way as these things sometimes do but the cars will live on beyond us which is something pretty awesome
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