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December 9th, meeting/xmas party

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:36 pm
by bumper
Great meeting this month guys, Ross was a great place on a very sunny day
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As discussed at the meeting, we will be holding our next meeting/xmas party at deloraine Sunday the 9th December, in the park next to the river, the club will be putting on a BBQ and salads, it is free for members and their family, non members are more than welcome but it will be $10.
Also the big man in red will be making an appearance, so if you would like your child/grandchild to receive a gift, please bring one along (we ask no more than a $20 item) wrapped and clearly labeled, as Santa hasnt the best eyesight :lol:
We hope to see all FB EK enthusiasts there,
We will be kicking off at 11am.
Feel free to contact myself or another committee member