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Rocking horse poo... bits for various projects

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:19 pm
by Harv
Chasing a few odds and ends... got to admit the chances of finding some of these are pretty low.

a) two front door scratchplates (LF and RF). Hoping to arrange this for Grace's Christmas present to go on the ute.
b) an alloy grey motor timing cover (for the meth-monster project). Want to run one of these in the hope of mounting a cam-drive for a fuel pump.
c) set of headers/extractors to suit the Repco head. Hoping someone will have a set of wall-art that they would be willing to sell. Otherwise will make a set from scratch.
d) Type 65 or Type 70 Norman. I have a Type 75 that I can use in the meth-monster, but it is the full original Eldred hydraulic clutch drive (like Mad Max), and originally intended for the red motor. Seems a shame to remove the clutch drive, and a 65 or 70 would feel more period correct.
