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Under dash parcel shelf info

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:49 pm
by Craig Allardyce
Hi all,
Does anyone have a copy of the fitting instructions for the under dash parcel shelf? I realise it's not a highly technical fit up but I'm interested in what screws where "supposed" to be used for the attachment through the firewall insulation and kick panel, and if there were any spigots or bushes to space it out. I'm also interested to see if the original item had a vinyl covering on the shelf itself. Photo's would be good too. Thanks.

Re: Under dash parcel shelf info

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 7:00 am
by thropzed
Hey Craig, I don't have a copy of the fitting instructions but I do have a full length parcel shelf with original vinyl attached.
Also have a short shelf with no vinyl? I have modified the short shelf to fit with a Beehive heater.
I'll get pics for you over the weekend.
Cheers Theo Z..............