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FB shirts

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:37 am
by FeeBee
Hey guys and girls,

Just letting you know, I have recently purchased a shirt from a guy on Ebay and I am very happy with it. I Got the FB Wagon, but I asked him to change the colours t suit the colours I want mine to be. ... ksid=p3686

He also does sedans to I think. The shirt is great quality.

I did notice that he has got EK overiders on the FB though

Re: FB shirts

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:56 pm
by Lowey
I sent a message via Ebay to the guy who sells these shirts.

Gave him the colour scheme and in 20 minutes he had it on Ebay.
Looked great.

To make it even better, he then added my rego number so the T Shirt is unique to my car.

He will even do a coffee mug, computer mouse pad and other stuff with your car, colour and rego.

He;s a nice bloke to talk to and is keen to do other stuff.

Give him a try.

Re: FB shirts

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 4:07 pm
by Cal
Very keen, though I'd want standard wheels on it not the mags that he has

Re: FB shirts

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:57 pm
by jack_fc
Anyone got a phone nbr or email address for this bloke? (I'm a technologically challenged old fart who doesn't do the ebay thing... :roll: )

cheers, jack

Re: FB shirts

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:49 pm
by SC00BB
jack_fc wrote:Anyone got a phone nbr or email address for this bloke? (I'm a technologically challenged old fart who doesn't do the ebay thing... :roll: )

cheers, jack

His name is Keith and email is
I've ordered some shirts that he modified for me, haven't received them yet so can't comment on quality but am going on what everyone else has said above regarding quality.

Re: FB shirts

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:24 am
by jack_fc
Thanks, SCOOBB!

Could you please let us know what the shirts are like when they arrive?



Re: FB shirts

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 9:56 am
by jack_fc
I emailed this bloke and attached a pic of my car; within an hour he replied. Later the same day, he sent me a pic of the modified artwork; looked almost 100% identical to my car.

He happily changed or deleted the bonnet bird, bonnet letters, guard spears, rear guard badges and even deleted the mags and replaced them with baby moons, trims and whiteband tyres and also put my number plates on it!

Shirt arrived 7 days after I first contacted him; good quality shirt and artwork/printing; $50 for shirt, customising and postage. Recommended.

Re: FB shirts

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:48 pm
by Lowey
I received my T Shirt, 2 coffee mugs, mouse pad and portrait
Colours were spot on with my car. Even put my rego number on all of what i bought to personalise it.
I'm wrapped. All of the above cost me $88 delivered.

Cant beat that

Re: FB shirts

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 6:15 am
by igor
I bought a t.shirt a while back with the blue fb ute on it for Roger. Quality excellent, size spot on, very fast delivery.
The test was to see how it stood up after problems at all.
Lesley :thumbsup: