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Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:51 pm
hey there axeman love that side profile my ute has a 4 inch chopp most people say that it looks radical but yours is just awsum over tis side of the world we are only allowed 8 inches of vertical front screen and all glass including rear has to be glass to pass rego if i new how to do it id post up photos of my ute for a comparison of side profile if anyone can post up photos of my ute feel free to do so and also love those wagon rear quarter panels good luck mate

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:10 pm
by Harko
Where are you at with this one axeman ?
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:59 pm
by Nekro63
Where are you at with this one axeman?
Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:36 pm
by axeman
just waiting for insurance to supply a new camera so i cant take some up dated photos . lost the last camera o/s
Cheers Axeman
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:03 pm
by Harko
How are you progressing with this one , still very interested....
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:08 pm
by axeman
still progressing slowly, but have been putting a bit of time into me little KE20 corolla . getting it ready for the GAZZA NATS, Trying to give steve a bit of comptition with his blown EK van in the six cylinder class. Have put a Blown 265 hemi into the corolla, doesn't go to bad either
Cheers Axeman
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:47 pm
by ek61
mate no excuse we want pics

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:51 pm
by captainbill
Slowly is the word axeman.kick your slippers of,dust of your boots and get into it.Do you need help from captain bill.
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:55 pm
by Harko
Haha yep I have the same sideliners hehe.
We'll plan to get both our utes on the road at the same time and dont set a date

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:32 pm
by axeman
Yeh Harko i know what you mean. been awhile since ive posted photos had to re learn. heres one of the corolla.and will gets some this week of the ute. by the way Harko hows your full chassis ute going

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:08 pm
by Harko
Ahhh Ive still got it

and I "realy" want it on the road

if that counts for anything.
Man that little rolla makes me jittery .
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:16 pm
by mrs ratbox
that crolla's tame i'de say you've both seen tony's, at one stage had 2 turbos and a 6/71 on a small block chev now it's a little more tame just 1 blower on a big block chev

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:39 pm
by Wayne Jackson
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:19 am
by axeman
a couple of pic of the old chopped ute, had tubbs in but didnt like the square edge look of pre fabricated tubbs , so i have found some 450mm NASCO tubbs to install, photo is of left hand semi finished a right hand just started also a pic of dash with its new lower profile still some welding to go to finish then i can put the billet dash cluster in
Cheers axeman

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:02 am
by Trev
axeman, nasco tubs? are you serious, is or was there such a thing, or are you taking the piss?
Looking good though

, Trev
