Aunger Hotwires bought new on the Waltons Credit Card maybe??? At the time these wheels were Cutting Edge, and so was the car! Also, this photo was in the late 70s, not the 80s.
Correct me if i'm wrong SpaceAce!
I think we (Pete, Scotty and me) first saw those falcon-holden tailights on an EK wagon owned by RustyDungers dad in about 1978 in Springwood NSW. That wagon had,I think, at some time, 3 bar tube grille, dechromed bonnet, side flash ( the one that dips down on the door, I don't know what it's called), Chrome glovebox, radio speaker, ashtray, bonnet brace and lock, hinges, even a chrome gearbox cover plate under the carpet as I recall! It seemed to be lowered, but maybe it was just full of spare parts for those long trips. I think all the chrome stuff came off that wild custom coupe-ute that russell has on his avatar. This old wagon may have been a little rough around the edges, but it was cool stuff to us when we were young. I think you guys would agree!
space ace wrote:You had to practice on something
Reminds me of when I got my first tattoo in the 70's, me and a few mates hit the cross and with the usual amount of alcohol on board we decided to get a "tatt".
I went first and I remember making small talk with the tattooist I said "How do you practice tattooing?"
Will never forget his answer, he looked me in the eye and said:
Was speaking to a friend who has been around the qld drag scene for a long time the other day and we got talking about this car. He knows Adrian and this car from its drag days which is how it ended up from the laced custom at the start of this thread. In it's chevolution drag car guise it ran a 250 straight 6 chev. Pretty cool if you ask me. Wonder if it's still around???
Bit of a thread dig up but I've been talking to Monty Brown recently who owned the car above and it is in fact Adrian's old car. Monty bought it in 73 when he was 18 from Adrian. When Monty owned it he was running a 331 with hillborn injection and a toploader. He ran the same engine in his chop top Lj torrie in b/gas about 3 years after this and ran 10.7s in it.
Apparently he as a mate who is trying to track the car down if it is still alive, hidden in a shed somewhere?? Who knows..?
Awesome thommo. I love
Finding photos of this car. Surely someone must know where it ended up. I know one of the owners. I needs to press him about more about what he did with i