Got the new mufflers fitted, which has quietened it down somewhat. Still sounds good, just not like a V8 Supercar

. The neighbours pigeons are appreciative. The test runs have shown up a few things to fix:
• Repair and calibrate speedo. Did a lot of testing, looks like the speedo head has a problem (sticky). Won’t return to zero all the time, and the error (difference between speedo and actual speed) is not a simple ratio (changing gears alone won’t fix it). Have pulled speedo out and apart, soaking internals in WD40. Fair bit of crap came out. If it is not freed up when I get home next, I will swap it for the spare speedo. More road tests, then buy the correct speedo gear set. Suspect I will need to replace both drive and driven gear, so tailshaft out and gearbox rear extension off.
• Tailgate latch disengages, and tailgate drops down expectantly. Latch is adjusted OK (tailgate panel lines up with rear quarter panel). There is a lot of slop in the tailgate handle. Pulled it apart, the handle has a square shaft. The square in the locking mechanism is flogged out a bit. With the tailgate locked, you can still turn the handle and open the tailgate. Tried packing out the shaft/mechanism slop with PVC tape, no joy. Think I have a spare tailgate lock assembly, will see if it is less flogged out. Might have to put some heavier springs in the latch to hold the two locking rods out.
• Cargo area floor latches don’t engage anymore to hold the board down. I used fancy Dzus fasteners, very sexy looking when the cargo floor was just a bare board. Now that it it carpeted, the carpet is too thick, preventing the fasteners engaging. Can't buy longer Dzus fasteners, and fastener catch spring is flogged up as high as it can go. Will have to pull the carpet, drop the fasteners under the carpet, then fit some cover plates over the carpet holes. Trial on one of the fasteners was successful. Cover plates on their way via Aussie Post.
• Reorient one of the handbrake brake cable brackets. Had to turn it to get the new mufflers to fit. Will have to pull rear carpet to drill and bolt again. Will have to replace the adjacent seatbelt reinforcing plate as it was notched to suit the original location. May have to bribe the children, as none of them like helping Dad fit seatbelt bolts.
• Repair firewall grommets. Some have popped out. Will have to glue the heater hose grommet in – the Rare Spares one is so thin, the hoses pull the grommet out of the firewall. Don’t have a thick original one.
• Indicators do not want to self-cancel. Not sure why, thought they did previously. Will have to pull the steering wheel and take a look.
• Choke is sticky. Will pull cable and check.
• Paint guard inner lips where paint rubbed off. The 205 tyres were too wide on the front. Have changed back to 195. Some paint touchup under the guards to do.
• Tune carb for idle. Car is running way too rich. Fouls plugs, and then runs rough or won’t start. Mongrel job to get the plugs out, but doable. Spoke to the engine builder, all the tuning he did was for maximum power. He doesn’t tune at all for idle. Should be a relatively easy fix.
• Plumb transmission oil cooler. Bought a cooler, have it fixed in place. Need to reroute the rubber hoses to put it in series with the radiator cooler. Trans in/out lines identified to ensure correct lineup. Not the biggest cooler in the world, but biggest I could fit into the space I have.
• Fit thermostat. Car hates running cold, and winter is coming. When I first got the engine, it would boil with the thermostat installed. Checked it was on the right way, checked it opened in a cup of boiling water. Couldn't work it out, so threw the thermostat on the bench and ran without it. Spoke to the engine builder, no reason it should not work. He supplied another thermostat free of charge (same Tridon high flow one as the one I bought). Will try it. Could be the fancy swivel-joint thermostat housing, or the ally inlet manifold holding the 'stat shut.
I suspect the Holley red fuel pump is going to drive me insane. It whines that loud it is like having Johnny Cash in the boot. It's rubber mounted midships, just naturally noisy. Works for now, but may get replaced with an (allegedly) quieter Carter pump at some stage.