Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:59 pm
Thanks all for the comments. I guess what shocked me most was the cost because there is no rust. By the admission of the guy that checked it out she is pretty clean and no body work is required. (I appreciate that there are always hidden extras but I suspect that the cost will not come down if that was the case.) And I am interested in making the 2010 ek calendar.
I am more than happy to pay for a honets price for an honest job. The problem is that having renovated a house, I used the occasional 'expert' to do the odd job - a tiler while I was overseas and a kitchen company to do the kitchen. I have a tiled deck that can hold an inch of water in a 1 metre arc around the front door to the house and a kitchen bench and cupboards that have warped from the heat of an oven. And they were not mates rates. Suffice to say, it's not easy to spot the floaters in the mix, more so for a green horn like me. Some lifetime guarantees aren't worth the toilet paper they are written on and I guess my next quest is to see if there is anyone out there that can help me to spot the real deal. Any recommendations in the ACT/lower Sydney area most appreciated.
I am more than happy to pay for a honets price for an honest job. The problem is that having renovated a house, I used the occasional 'expert' to do the odd job - a tiler while I was overseas and a kitchen company to do the kitchen. I have a tiled deck that can hold an inch of water in a 1 metre arc around the front door to the house and a kitchen bench and cupboards that have warped from the heat of an oven. And they were not mates rates. Suffice to say, it's not easy to spot the floaters in the mix, more so for a green horn like me. Some lifetime guarantees aren't worth the toilet paper they are written on and I guess my next quest is to see if there is anyone out there that can help me to spot the real deal. Any recommendations in the ACT/lower Sydney area most appreciated.