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Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:44 pm
by my70wg
sorry if this is a dumb question...but is the tub getting extended to?


Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:09 pm
by NoMAD
dont know how i missed this... nice work the Rusty EK looks like a fun project, rear end looks good! real good.

i do agree with the tub extension i think it might look a little to wierd otherwise.

keep the pic coming, i'll be watching this one!


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:55 pm
by Rusty EK
Hi all , thanks for the comments.

Devilrod, you are not the only one that would like to see it back on its wheels, have been working on fitting the UC Torana front end ,so as soon as I get that done will bolt the front back on and drop it on to the ground to check its stance and to make sure the wheels are all sitting where they should be.

wot179, am going to fish plate all the joins but I want to get it on the ground and make sure all the wheels are centre etc before I do to much more welding in case I need to change something.

my70wg and NoMad, no the tub is not going to be extended, have got it all welded up ,so will post more pics soon , dont want to extend the wheelbase .

I think it looks ok now its in position , my mates thought I had gone nuts when I told them I was extending the roof but they reckon it looks ok now too.

The reason behind it is I like utes but you cant take the family with you if you want to go for a cruise so am setting it up with rear seat so we can all enjoy it.

Should have the front end finished up this week so hopefully can get it back together and sit it down to get a better look at how it is going to look,will post up some more photos.

v8ek4us thanks for the Torana front end posts , these really helped with the fitting .


Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:54 pm
by Rusty EK
Hi All , hope everyone else .s rebuild is going along nicely , and those of you that are lucky enough to have already finished , I hope you are cruising them flat out :D

Have been flat out with the old girl , am starting to make some progress , but have been a bit slack with the picture taking , have taken a lot of the body back to bare metal and got some etch on it , welding in new rust repair sections along the way .

Have got the roof all welded up , front end in and rear , and got the motor mounted , have joined the new chassis to the front section , so is starting to look like a ute again .

Is even sitting on the wheels and even more amazing is they are where they should be :D

Have filled in the hole behind the doors with a new panel


Had to make a new panel to replace battery section .

Will Take some more photos 2moz of the old girl sitting on her wheels

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:57 pm
by vintageholden
looks great
any more detailed photos of the chassis being fitted etc....
measurements would be great to????

how did you know what to do....

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:15 pm
by Rusty EK
Can measure for you , but you are better off measuring and fitting to your car , may not be the same , had a lot of head aches measuring the chassis , will the wheels be center ,right height etc, brain fade big time :roll:
As for knowing what to do, just chucking it and seeing at the moment , am open for constructive comments along the way , more heads are better than one.

Will take some more photos of the chassis 2moz.

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:17 pm
by parisian62
I think you've done this sort of stuff before Rusty EK... :D nice work on getting those folds right on the subframe too.

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:31 pm
by vintageholden

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:53 pm
by ek61
nice work keep the pics commin 8) 8) 8)

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:20 pm
by Rusty EK
Yep , the sheet metal side of things have done before , but it has been a long time since I have done a car , back in my teenage years , and never to this extent , chuck a bit of bog in it and paint it .

The reason for the chassis is the ute was too far gone for anything else , was going to have it standard just tidied up and painted , but you know how things go :( Just trying to save it now.

Vintageholden , have not seen that before ,looks tuff eh , but looks as though it was being built as a drag car , mine is only going to be a family cruiser , no hard stuff for this old girl , she is going to be pampered , have kept all the front chassis as stock too .

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:43 pm
by vintageholden
can you post photos of the torana front your fitting

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:58 pm
by mrs ratbox
this build sucks :x when i think about turfing my no floors ute i see this and get hope :) 8)
personally not keen on the filled in sides, maybe if it had longer doors and bring the guttering around the door tops as standard

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:46 pm
by Rusty EK
Hey ratbox , no excuses now then ,you will just have to do it :D ,go on save another one, I know the roof is not going to be every bodys cup of tea , but it is different. Did have the guttering as standard but it just didnt look right , so I took it through the same as a wagon or panel van does , did think about making the doors longer too , but got lazy.

Vintageholden , check out the posts that V8EK4US done on the torana front end ,is more or less the same as that , very helpful posts if you are thinking of doing one.

Here is some more pics of her sitting on her wheels and of the chassis.

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:38 pm
by vintageholden
looks great
what size wheels and tyres.....
love the way you made the inner sills match...

Re: Rusty EK,s Ute

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:51 pm
by mrs ratbox
why not windows in the side :?: