Hi all as you probably know my nine inch went bang . Did both axle's. They had broke before and have been welded up in stead of fixed properly . . SOOO i need new one,s. Where is the best place to get them . Dont matter if it's in N.S.W or Vic i access to both states....
Cheers Mark
measure them up and do the rounds in the States Mark, you will get more axle for your money going that way, even with the freight taken into account.
Dollars still good too.
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.
Foundation member #61 of FB/EK Holden club of W.A.
Try Craft Differentials in Granville. Ask for Richard or Red. What they don't know about diffs and axles is not worth knowing about. They keep a lot of bits in stock, or can even make you a set of axles. Don't have there no' its at work.