Engine Electricals'

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Engine Electricals'

Post by mr48215 »

Hi, I am doing research into the Grey motors.

In the FB,s Holden fitted both Bosch and Lucas Gens and Starter Motors.

My question is did these Lucas and Bosch Gens and Starters get installed as matched pairs, like a Lucas Gen and Starter together on a new car or were they intermixed so you could have one a Lucas and the other Bosch. The Regulator had to match the Gens brand type to work correctly.

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Re: Engine Electricals'

Post by Blacky »

'You have to use a Bosch with a Bosch and a Lucas with a Lucas , they do not interchange
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.

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Re: Engine Electricals'

Post by Errol62 »

That isn't what the question is. We're starter and generator factory fitted same brand, or did cars potentially come with one brand of starter and the other generator/regulator set?

I would speculate that this could happen but not common. Rob should chime in eventually.

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Re: Engine Electricals'

Post by Blacky »

My bad, thought we were talking about generators and regulators not generators and starter motors.
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.

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Re: Engine Electricals'

Post by ardiesse »

I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of "grey" Lucas starter motors I've seen. FB/EKs were about evenly split between Bosch and Lucas generating systems, but the overwhelming majority had Bosch starters. The assembly plants used whatever they had on hand, I figure.

Except: six-volt Delco and Bosch. FXs had Delco everything, and then changed over to Bosch everything, including going from a black-taped wiring harness to an orange-taped wiring harness.

Another exception: the family HR, which had Lucas electricals and AC instruments, and is so far the only one I know like that. Every other HR I've seen was Bosch/VDO.

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Re: Engine Electricals'

Post by Dr Terry »

ardiesse wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:36 pm Another exception: the family HR, which had Lucas electricals and AC instruments, and is so far the only one I know like that. Every other HR I've seen was Bosch/VDO.
I've had many HRs in with Lucas distributors, probably more than any other Red motor models series.

Dr Terry
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