Tinkered a bit today ... when I put the pertronix in, I wasn't happy with the 'non-adjustable' air gap being about 60 thou. Every other car I've put them in, I've used the pertronix plastic feeler gauge which is about 30 thou. So, I pulled the distributor out and elongated the pertronix mounting holes.
I put a new rotor button in so I had to revisit the timing --- maybe it's the multifocals, but it's a bit awkward seeing the flywheel mark, so I put one on the harmonic balancer where I can see it
Also pulled the carby off because I wasn't happy with the accelerator pump volume. When I previously rebuilt it, I re-used an old leather plunger because I didn't like the new ones...but I don't think it was sealing properly. I haven't seen any new leather ones lately, so I'll see how one of the new ones goes (got a spare too)

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