soda blasting

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soda blasting

Post by t950cat »

Hi all
Has anyone had any dealings with soda blasting as i have heard this is the way to go?.I have my ek stripped naked and now i am doing the research to see the best way to go.I have heard about taking to it with paint stripper but hell what kind of mess is that gunna make of the shed :? Thanks all...Tony
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Post by captainbill »

Hey tony i hear soda blasting is a very good option but ive been led to believe its expensive.Cant help out with a rough price.The paint stripper option is not that bad once you get a good techneque.Although its about $60 for four litres these days.I found that if you put it on liberly walk away for an hour or so and attack it with a scraper the paint comes of quite easily.Scrape it of straight into a cardboard box to keep it off of the floor.And use gloves.
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paint stripper

Post by rosco »

Hi Tony,
have no knowledge of soda stripping..........

Paint stripper - have played with it, now just go the long route and mechanically remove unwanted coatings .............. not for everyone.

Amazing stuff paint........ seems we can't get it to "stick" to what we want it to, yet it seems to lock onto whatever we try to mask off...................

Also have problems with understanding how it must be "keyed" to stop it chipping away from a well prepared surface - yet sticks tenaciously to highly smooth surfaces like glass................

good luck with your choice - hope others can shed more light on this....

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Post by ekdave1962 »

just to give u an idea i got a price to soda my HR frontend and sub frame .. $400 bucks .. got it sand blaster for $75 . a but the sand blaster did it cheap 4 me .. said the comercial rate would have been $200 ..

but its fine for parts like that he said he would not recomend sand blasting of free panel cos the will distort ..

so i paint stripper and sander 4 me .. lol
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Post by Sigs »

a tip with the paint stripper, i remember my old man always scratching the paint before applying the chemical, helps it to work faster and more effectively
mmm, maybe one day :roll:
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Paint removal

Post by FB Cruiser »

As sigs said it good to scratch the paint before applying stripper also cover the panel with paper or plastic wrap as this holds the chemicals in close to the panel and also helps remove paint. As for soda blasting my Boss at work has looked at getting a soda unit but has been told that it isnt good at cleaning real rusty parts, dont know if its true but its an interesting thought. As for blasting FB/Ek parts and panels I have blasted doors and gaurds at work without a problem. It all comes down to how carefull you are, Im lucky I can blast my stuff at work, Cheers PAT :)
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Post by stinky »

This bloke does soda blasting in Adelaide if anyone is interested. He's a car guy and member of the FE/FC Club so he knows what's what when it comes to old holdens.
Adelaide Fast Blast -
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Soda Blasting

Post by smoogs »

Hi all. I have had cars, panels and parts soda blasted. I also want to buy one myself. I searched the net and found an aussie company that build soda blasing machines
Have a look. I plan to ring them and see whats what cause I have a few questions myself. If anyone has heard of them or has had dealings with them please let me know. Thanks
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Post by karsten »

sandblasting panels is ok if they are people with a brain and just wisk it a bit at a time as to not heat it up to much causeing panel warp,,,,4 doors, boot ,,bonnet ,,gaurds ,,and couple other bits blasted and etched 500
when they start building them like that again i will buy a new car of them
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Post by ek_mad »

I would sandblast it,ive heard that it they or you dont prep it after they do it paint will peal.And sandblasting is easy to do im doing it now got a small rig and its fine no heat in the panels if you do it the right way.It would cost you bout 300 hundred for the rig and garnet and your time thats it.If you dont have a compressor get some1 that you know ask them or hire 1 2.5 hp will be fine for the job
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Post by smoogs »

I would not sand blast anything anymore. Soda blast seems to have much better finish and they guarenteed ne that they do not cause heat and pitting and also no warping. When I got my car and panels done, the price was the same as sandblasting anyway. I rang a few companies over the weekend and found out heaps about soda blasting. Will look into it a bit further.
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Post by ek_mad »

Ask them what will they do if the paint peels off,you dont get that with sand or ask your painter if will paint it first ask heaps of questions but the safe bet is to sand blast or garnet....
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Soda Blast

Post by smoogs »

I have had cars and bits both sand blasted and soda blasted. Both are dusty and both leave dust on the surface. Soda blast does not damage anything and did not cuase rust on the car for months cause it did not remove the galvanizing. Both were prepared properly and actually the car that was sandblasted has rust bubbles in it already, yet the soda blasted fininsh is still great. Soda blast every time for me. You just need someone who knows what he is doing.
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Post by go_rat »

I got a bonnet sodablasted, top and bottom. $180? I looked at the guy and he said $150 cash. Was not etch primed and was still covered in soda. hey tried to tell me it does have a 'coating' and won't rust for 2 weeks bla bla bla. On the top, I could have done better with a grinder
mrs ratbox

Post by mrs ratbox »

go_rat wrote: I could have done better with a grinder
:shock: don't think the bonnet would be very usable after that, if the paint wasn't removed propperly you should have said you weren't happy, sounds like he may not have known what he was doing i've seen alot of stuff done that looks brilliant
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