yeah, I'm on a go slow ... myalgic encephalomyelitis snuck up on me again a few weeks back - no biggie - just gotta see it through ... ebay and gumtree time
I recently bought heaps of spare rear axle bits and I've got another couple of standard wheels coming, some more go-fast red paint and a new gearshift boot coming too (oh and lots of DVDs) ... looking at more spares for the front end on gumtree at the moment
I did go out yesterday and linked up the two terminals on the 2 speed wiper switch so that the single speed wipers come on in both positions (no pics)
while I was looking through my photos in case there was something I hadn't posted, I came across this pic from Cafe 41 Gilgandra last time I went through
Errol62 wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 4:47 pm
Watch out there’s some dodgy prick on there selling fb parts out of Willunga. They may reject the vehicle if fitted to anek.
Rainy day so I put a bit of paint on the hubcaps ... no fine work, just what a half inch brush would do - quicker job than I thought so I did a few extras
Nice work. Gee you have few spares there. I remember painting the entire centre, then wiping off the proud lion with thinners dampened rag. And doing the back of the bonnet bar emblem at the same time. I was lucky the silver bits were paint intact, so just background.
FB ute driver, EK van project
getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie
Nice n shiny Patrick
Always good to have the odd spare. Mind you I’ve never lost a hub cap or had one nicked....... yet. Chrome wheel trims (non genuine) are another story. Lost one in 1997 in the Flinders Ranges off my FB sedan which I was reminded of when back there in 2020 and realised I lost one off the Ute . Next time I’m taking the wheel trims off before returning to the Flinders.
Hi Stephen, yeah, the hubcaps that came with the ute were too far gone .. good for parts trays ... so I picked up some here and there as they turned up for a reasonable price... sold off some when I saw how many I'd collected (I've done a similar thing with standard wheels)
surely the next step is to buy aftermarket wheels and reflect on my ebay and gumtree habits
Sounds very familiar. When I got my first EK in 1986 they went for $20-25 each and as far as I'm concerned they're still the same price, hub caps and rims both.
FB ute driver, EK van project
getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie
ooops, now I've seen first hand why there's so many damaged door cards
with the ute out in the open and all the rain we've been having, I noticed some 'bubbling' of the paint on my driver's side door card.
I was happy enough with where the door was sitting but it could go slightly higher and in a bit...the outer rubber was pulled a bit too tight on the corner so it sat up and out a bit and skimmed along the top corner instead of being pinned by it (once the water got past that it also seeped past the inner seal)
I started sanding back the card, but thought it would easier/quicker to just cut a new one