Project 2.

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Project 2.

Post by Brett027 »

The good side
The good side
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A recent purchase. Plan is to continue on Wilma and once finished move over to Project 2. As you can see Project 2 has a few minor holes here and there but if you don't count the tub it's about the same as Wilma was, so not too scary. Actually subframe arms are better. The ute may have spent time in Woolongong 'cause I found a dog collar amongst historical detritus that had a 1977 Woolongong council tag. Purchased from near Goulburn.
Must have a sedan seat in it as there is a lovely sedan ashtray facing the back wall. Don't know about motor or drive train at the moment but may spend an hour or so seeing if she'll start in between atending to Wilma's floors. Original paint might be the infamous Cameo Beige(?), but is over coated with a light blue/grey.
I'll add bits to this post as I go, but don't plan to do much more than gather bits for the next few months.
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Re: Project 2.

Post by Errol62 »

More photos please Brett.
Don’t get sidetracked now! FB EK ute muster gawd damn...

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Re: Project 2.

Post by Brett027 »

Here are a few pics of air...Watch out, I might head out at night with my cutter Clay.ImageImage

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Re: Project 2.

Post by Errol62 »

Some work there Brett. Thanks for showing mate.

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Re: Project 2.

Post by FireKraka »

I think we are going to have to start our own Ute club they seem to be coming out of the ground out the moment literally 😂😂😂😂😂
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Re: Project 2.

Post by Brett027 »

What a good idea.once i know where the good bodies are i can make a move....

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Re: Project 2.

Post by Errol62 »

You either need to find a van to cut up or fabricate around a donor tank of course, which is the more viable option. Particularly if you are planning on a later injected motor. How are the rear spring mounts and rails? Maybe a candidate for a tubbed rear end.

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Re: Project 2.

Post by Brett027 »

Hi Clay,
I've got a stainless tank to go in when I get there eventually, but yes a rear end would progress things along rapidly. I actually have a spare sedan rear end that would take care of some of the bits but the tricky bit for me is getting the back panel made or sourced, as not having another ute here to compare to means I'm working from nothing. Would be very happy to pick up a solid rear if one is out there.
Rest of body is usual holed floors and rusty bits but not bothered by that having just gone through it on the sedan.
There's a fellow posted on Facebook in SA today proudly showing how he's used a ute rear end as a water feature. It could make a bloke cry.....
It will be registered in 2021.
Can you still buy headlight peak patch panels?

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Re: Project 2.

Post by Errol62 »

Any ute or van that has a half decent rear floor is very likely to be better than yours. You can use the sedan floor to address the rails and mounts if you have access to that. Good original tanks are like hens teeth. You fabricate a floor around a commodore or xabc &*#@ tank. One fella used a mk1 cortina tank, got he reckons. Neil has just done this on his Frankenstein ute.
Then you could drop it on a donor chassis or fabricated rear end....

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Re: Project 2.

Post by Blacky »

Brett027 wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:08 pm
There's a fellow posted on Facebook in SA today proudly showing how he's used a ute rear end as a water feature. It could make a bloke cry.....
That wasnt me was it ? If so , that ute is not much more than a pair of rear quarters , a tailgate and a turret - it weighs about 100kg I reckon - has more rust than a carpark full of Fiats :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.

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Re: Project 2.

Post by Brett027 »

Looks bloody good compared to mine

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Re: Project 2.

Post by In the Shed »

FireKraka wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:19 pm I think we are going to have to start our own Ute club they seem to be coming out of the ground out the moment literally 😂😂😂😂😂
Now there's an idea!

Good stuff Brett, everyone needs a ute. :thumbsup:

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Re: Project 2.

Post by EK283 »

The really good thing about rust in this condition is you don't have weeks of removing, making bits and days of welding and grinding.

You will come across a donor eventually and then its just remove and replace. Hopefully the rails are ok but then people have manufactured whole chassis to fit under them.

Hard work that's all it is and time, good on you for giving it a go.

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Re: Project 2.

Post by Brett027 »

Agree 100 percent. Ill just park car under cover() and while working on the FB will gather the necessary bits. If it was too easy there'd be no challenge.
I'd like to bring a couple of these old girls back on the road. Thanks for the heads up.

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Re: Project 2.

Post by FJWALLY »

Credit to you blokes taking on these cancerous bitches - there does seam to be an explosion of Utes out there at the moment - I'm a Deni boy born and bread so a Special category at the Deni Ute muster could be arranged for next year maybe?
My old mans 28 chev ute was at the very first muster when they had a vintage tent - it's a big event now.
Keep up the good work Brett - will follow with interest.
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