metalic green ek v8 sedan
metalic green ek v8 sedan
hi! all spotted this green ek sedan at bakers hill autorama >wa> on sunday ,i spoke with the owner breifly ,he said it was recently finished engineered and regoed ,chev v8 auto 9 inch and for sale $40k
foundation member #12 fb/ek holden club of WA
Re: metalic green ek v8 sedan
I'm trying hard not to like it, but it is very hard not to like...
It probably owes him more than $40K.
It probably owes him more than $40K.
Member No.1 of the FB EK Holden Car Club of WA (Woo-hoo sweet!)
Member No.1 of the FB EK Holden Car Club of WA (Woo-hoo sweet!)
Re: metalic green ek v8 sedan
it is nice and i would nearly say so unless he did alot of work himself, air con toMeFB wrote:
It probably owes him more than $40K.
shame we can't quite see what headers it has, don't seem to see them going out the inner guards and the engine seems to sit very high in the engine bay
sometimes yor just better off shitting in yor hands and clapping
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