Its from Camshaft Engineering.
12 Birubi St Coorparoo QLD 4151
ph: (07) 3394 1788 Engine Reconditioning
A fellow on another forum had this to say about it.
"The best cam ive ever had was one from camshaft engineering at coorparoo in brisbane. ive lost the details about it, but ive got the number on the end of it.
Soon as u hit about 3000rpm, bang pushed u back in your seat and took off til about 6000rpm, beat a lot of v8s around qld raceway. if you want i can give you the numbers and u can give him a call.
Wasnt too lumpy either, a little bit, but a good compromise of driveability and power. Made 154rwhp with it."
He listed the same markings in a later post.
Sounds like a cracker