was awesome wont bore all with details,but I was on a stool in a Kustom shop ..
and wanted a customised horn button.
,that read, KrackZ Kustoms
one above thee other with glitter in the dome,fading n shit,polished to match original if not better
can it be done,it looked sooooo good
can I buy the raw stuff and have a go?
harry186 wrote:wonder if you could carve out an original one hardest part i spose would be getting it smooth again
I'd make a mold of the original horn button and make a plain resin copy then 'Dremill' out the lettering and paint & fill it in with more clear resin. ..light..bulbbb..
Woofto Car Club Member No 2
don't think i've seen that pic, kinda makes me wish i had of knocked the pillar out of the 2 door just wasn't sure how it would look with stock height roof although with the weather we're haveing at the moment i would most definately want side glass i'm not young and cool/stoopid anymore where if you have a pillarless car the windows MUST be rolled down no matter what the weather
sometimes yor just better off shitting in yor hands and clapping
Yes It is,it was powering a ,oh you can tell them ,all Ive done is clean out the inches of sludge from the sump and re gasket
,run it,run it again change the oil twice,paint it ,add some bling she runs ,hates the cold.