Hello fellow Members/Enthusiasts.
Just returned from the nationals in Nowra and have decided the time has come to re-build my motor. The motor has the distinct note of a compromised valve seat(s) as well as a very gassy crankcase (especially under power) I was wondering if anyone out there can recommend a good place where I can take the ol' grey for reco.(Melbourne Area) I was hoping to get hardened seats in the process, but I suppose that is a given.
I had some machining done 3-4 years ago at Salibas in Springvale.
All the bottom end was redone but as we couldn't source anything else we left rings and pistons alone. Ran fine till I sold it.
Speed and Style........... One day I'll get the speed bit.
Thanks for the Refs fellas
I'm a bit surprised with the 2.5 to 3k price tag for the fj motor. I'm guessing the damage to the motor in the meltdown process was quite extensive. I'd hope your motor is as new after that. I think I'll hit the phones.
Dinkum do all the work on my EK - no probs at all with them, they know their stuff.
About to drop in a slightly worked grey, extractors soon, they'll be doing that with no questions asked from me.
I`ve been to Dinkum once about a year ago for a hamonic balancer
replacement on my grey motor and straight after I had oil flow problems
don`t know if it was realated to the way it was hammered on or just coincedence, just a bit disapointed they did not reply to my e-mail asking
what could be done, from then on I`ve been going to HOLDIES and Greg
there has always been honest and helpfull ...
Lozza, The reason they didnt get back to you via email is that their computer up until about 3 months ago, was being used as a magazine stand, an the floor of the office!!!!
Nothing beats a trusty phonecall, at least that way you know you have at least spoken to smeone.
The address for Holdies is 3/22 Graham Rd Clayton South....And in my
defence I sould have phonned Dinkum but after hours is normaly my
only time for corespondance...
Hi Julie & Richard, if you guys go to the next meeting i'll have a chat to you about rebuilding your grey if you like and see what prices i can come up with. No problems with parts and fitting hardened valve inserts.
Regards Bill
Hi Bill
That would be great, thanks.
PS Julie has taken the Esme name and I have called myself Bluehaze after the observations from the Nats trip. I'll also get that Two-Way back to you at the next meeting. If you need it earlier, please let me know.
I was just reading your message and l rebuilt my own grey engine and the only thing that i didn't do was the head l got it fully reconditioned, so if i we're you i would have a look at the pistons check them out and replace rings bearings and what ever needs replacing and replace timing gear!