As the subject says , having trouble opening the bonnet. Ive pulled the internal hood release cable out,pushed the release lever under the bonnet up and pushed the locating hook , but to no avail.
Any tips
Not familiar with the EK hood release as I haven't got one but I remember with my HQ Monaro that they had a clip at the hood catch that would hold the outer cable in place.If this clip was bent or worn it allowed the outer cable to slip and wouldn't actuate the hood release catch.Check to see if there is evidence of your outer cable slipping at all.
They do have a habit of siezing in the cable part-at least the couple I have seen have but they are normally on wrecks that arent regularly used. Maybe try spraying some WD40 up into the bonnet latch mechanism and working the cable to see if it frees up ?
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.
Foundation member #61 of FB/EK Holden club of W.A.
the problem with it AL is it needs to be changed it has a wear mark on the locating hook allong the edge where it should slide past the bonnet catch it has worn a notch in it that keeps getting caught
you could try and file it flat again but prob easier just to replace it
it was like it when i owned it its a bit of a challeng to get a hand through the grill slats i just couldnt be bothered changing it and i reccon i put a spare one in the car when i sold it
cheers dave
***just cruise***
Hi Al, these have a habit of wearing a groove on the unlocking lever, i had the same problem with mine and i CAREFULLY used an angle grinder to smooth out the lever slightly. Remove the least amount of material as possible. The groove won't allow the lever to slide smoothly out of the square hole in the lower attaching mount.
If you are in any doubt whatsoever regarding the locking integrity of your bonnet mechanism, i would strongly recommend changing the complete assembly as a safety precaution,
Hope this answers your question. Regards Bill