the DPI has a code of practice to work with, stay within the guidlines and all is ok. i have worked with various gov agencies over the years, so that helps.
the ute will go on the dyno on tue, then the speedo can be corrected. with help from crs.
no the work was done in Qld. is easier to get done over there, lic it there and bring it to WA. saves a lot of hassles from DPI. alot of phone calls and speaking with guy in the system helped me work this out.
as long as no further mods are carried out WA will lic car like for like after pits.
there are ways to lic without going over pits.
thats very similar to the one that was built by a john in gasoline alley in queensland. it was advertised for 40k. does it have the reddish inserts for the seats??? of did you have the ute rebuilt by him??
your ute is sawesome dude. more pics.
ways of not going over pits like having it registered in your name for over a year then just registering over here type thing.
the ute was built by john, he has done a great job. i was in Qld in oct and went to his open day and came home with a ute. i dont have time to build a car, so buy one it is.